Secretary General Ekaterina Dimitrova completed her Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and Master’s Degree in European Union Law at the Faculty of Law of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Ekaterina has 9 years’ experience in the non-governmental sector. She has worked as Online Communications Coordinator on projects of the Bulgaria’s Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Bulgarian Platform for International Development. In the period 2015 – 2018, she was member of the Board of Directors of the Youth Section of the United Nations Association of Bulgaria and editor-in-chief of the UNA News Bulgaria online media. Since 2019, she has been the Secretary General of the Bulgarian Euro-Atlantic Youth Club (BEAYC) and since 2015 – a Programs and Projects Manager at The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria (ACB), where she is responsible for coordinating and implementing a number of international projects and programs of the organization, part of which is the NATO Youth Ambassadors program.