“Lie to Me 2021” is a project of the Digital National Alliance funded by the program Erasmus+ and its goal is to provide young professionals with knowledge and skills regarding media literacy and fake news.

30 participants from 7 countries took part in the international seminar which lasted 9 days and it was held in Sofa from 11th July until 19th July 2021.

Journalists, teachers and students from Spain, Portugal, Italy, North Macedonia, Latvia and Bulgaria exchanged experience and acquired new skills. They also learned about the competencies needed in different professional fields related to media literacy and differentiation of fake news.

Програмата включваше различни лекционни формати, игри, аналитични и практични сесии, работилници, дебати и екипна работа под менторството на специалисти в сфрерата на интерактивното обучение.

The program included lectures, games, analytical and practical sessions, workshops, debates and teamwork under the mentorship of specialists in the sphere of interactive learning.