The leaders of the Three Seas Summit and Business Forum which was held in Sofia on 8-9 July 2021 will emphasize on the preparation of tangible measures for strengthening the strategy so that a regional digital transformation would be achieved. Some of the measures are: Establishment of a supporting ecosystem for emerging technologies, Development of regional digital infrastructure, Identification of shared resources for investment in digitalization, higher Influence of the region on topics related to digital policy of the European Union and Transatlantic relations. This will be achieved through Composition of a map of the existing digital centers and clusters; Creation of a virtual center for cybersecurity with an academy for teaching and common standards for cybersecurity; Launching an initiative for digitalization in the public sector; Establishment of a 3SI council of the digital ministers; Formation of a base with information for the best practices and opportunities for an exchange of experience; Identification and amplified investment in digital projects as part of the 3SI program; Taking a proactive role in the debate for the digital priorities of the EU.