about us
Ever since its inception 30 years ago, the mission of The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria has been to strengthen the unity, security and defence capacities of the West as a natural habitat of Bulgaria. ACB as a future- and youth-oriented organization has been focused on upgrading Bulgaria, NATO and EU, to meet and forecast the existing and unexpected regional and global challenges and threats, including those generated by the progress in technologies. Recognizing the critical importance of the trans-Atlantic bond for Europe’s security, ACB has always served the role of a Bulgaria—US friendship think-tank and advocacy cluster. Based on its unique experience in political innovation, today the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria is dedicated to exploring how innovation can help reform global security, international relations and democratic governance.

The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria stands for:
- Focus on the importance of the transatlantic link and shared values for European security; NATO’s military presence in the Black Sea region; Intelligent defense, including in space and cyberspace Fight against misinformation; EU’s common security and defense policy as a pillar of the EU in NATO; Globalization of NATO after Brexit; Strategic balance in NATO-Russia relations and the establishment of NATO-China and NATO-India Councils; Joint efforts in the fight against terrorism and illegal migration; Shaping NATO’s image in Europe and beyond.
In parallel, ACB and its innovative cluster of NGOs Atlantic Digital Network (www.adn.bg) are responsible for:
- The standard EU GSM GSM charger (which saves millions of tons of CO2 emissions); The free Wi-Fi initiative #WiFi4EU;
- The EU initiative to combat soil degradation;
- The Bulgarian project on space law and strengthening the role of Bulgaria in space research;
- NATO-sponsored telemedicine and genotoxic detector projects (jointly with the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).
ACB’s founding project is “happiness through i-democracy,” described by Dr. Passy in his TEDx Talk at SciencePo Dijon University, where he proposes to streamline global policy through large-scale data analysis. managing and bringing people closer to what is defined as “happiness”. The importance of the safe use of the transformational potential of technology is emphasized, while protecting the individual and the freedoms of the individual.
our priorities
Fight against misinformation
Common protection of the EU as a pillar in NATO
NATO’s globalization
Shaping the image of NATO in Europe and beyond
Development of innovative education