Quo vadis Europe: Globalism vs. Populism, 25 April 2017

In 2017 – on the eve of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Bulgarian EU membership and the 90th anniversary of the Paneuropean movement in Bulgaria. To mark these significant events, PanEuropa Bulgaria, with the support of The State Institute for Culture to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Bulgaria and the European Commission Representation in Sofia have the pleasure to invite you to an international conference “Quo vadis Europe: Globalism vs. Populism” on 25th April 2017 at 10:00 h, Sofia Hotel Balkan.

The event will be opened by the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Prof. Ognyan Gerdhizkov, H.M. King Simeon II, Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2001 – 2005), Petar Stoyanov, President of Bulgaria (1997 – 2002), Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel, Chancellor of Austria (2000 – 2007), Alain Terrenoire, President of the International Paneuropean Union and Ognian Zlatev, Head of the European Commission Representation in Sofia.

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

Please, register here http://bit.ly/2nIegSR . Registration does not guarantee a seat.


09:30 – 10:00              REGISTRATION

10:00 – 11:00              OPENING REMARKS

Moderated by: Gergana Passy, President, PanEuropa Bulgaria

Ognian Zlatev, Head of the European Commission Representation in Sofia

H.E. Ognyan Gerdzhikov, Prime-Minister of Bulgaria

H.M. King Simeon II, Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2001 – 2005)

Petar Stoyanov, President of Bulgaria (1997 – 2002)

Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel, Chancellor of Austria (2000 – 2007)

Alain Terrenoire, President, International Paneuropean Union

11:00 – 12:30              BULGARIA IN THE EU: TEN YEARS LATER

Moderator: Solomon Passy, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria (2001 – 2005)

Sergey Stanishev, President, PES, Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2005 – 2009)

Geoffrey van Orden, MEP, Rapporteur for Bulgaria in the EU accession process

Meglena Kuneva, Deputy Prime Minister for European Policies Coordination and Institutional Affairs (2014-2017)

Prof. Lyubomir Ivanov, MP, VII Grand National Assembly (1990 – 1991)

12:30 – 13:30              Lunch Break

13:30 – 15:15              GLOBALISM VS. POPULISM

Moderator: Elena Poptodorova, Ambassador of Bulgaria to the U.S. (2002-2008; 2010-2016)

Rosen Plevneliev, President of Bulgaria (2012 – 2017)

Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel, Chancellor of Austria (2000 – 2007)

Radi Naydenov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria

Karl von Habsburg, President, Paneuropean Movement Austria

Prof. Andrei Pantev, Member of the Parliament (2001 – 2013)

Lyubomir Kyuchukov, CEO, Economics and International Relations Institute

15:15 – 15:30              Coffee Break


Moderator: Iliya Lingorski, President, European Institute for Strategies and Analysis

Denitsa Zlateva, Deputy Prime Minister for the Preparation of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, 2018 in the Caretaker Government

Ambassador Andrej Lepavcov, Head of Mission of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the EU in Brussels

to the EU

Mariya Gabriel, MEP, Vice-president, EPP Group

Lyudmila Dimitrova, Director, State Institute for Culture

16:30 – 16:45              CLOSING REMARKSGergana Passy, President, PanEuropa Bulgaria