The Bulgarian Euro-Atlantic Youth Club
Establishing solid foundations today for a better future tomorrow.
About us
The Bulgarian Euro-Atlantic Youth Club (BEAYC) is а non-governmental organization founded in 1996, in Sofia, Bulgaria, as the official youth branch of The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria (ACB). The organization is a member of YATA International.
BEAYC’s aims are:
to establish/promote Euro-Atlantic values among the youth in Bulgaria;
to advise and support youth organizations affiliated with different political parties, various students’ communities, major decision makers in the Bulgarian state institutions and people at large;
to foster Bulgaria’s active involvement within the framework of the Euro-Atlantic political, economic and defense institutions, and particularly within NATO, the European Union (EU), the Council of Europe (CE) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE);
using its social media channel, to help create a platform where young people can express their voice and share their ideas about how to create a better future for the generations ahead.
BEAYC firmly believes that being educated and informed is the foundation of success. Establishing solid foundations today is going to lead to a better future tomorrow! To this purpose, the organization:
organizes and coordinates visits and lectures by local and foreign experts and distinguished speakers;
creates seminars and conferences on various topics;
publishes and promotes information and publications about the development of NATO, the EU and related international organizations (including information about scholarships, seminars and research opportunities);
initiates important contacts with similar organizations abroad, etc.
BEAYC has already established numerous contacts with international non-governmental organizations and successfully implemented projects that are supported by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, Erasmus+ and other programs.
Our initiatives
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What is new
In 2014, the Bulgarian Euro-Atlantic Youth Club organized the first NATO Summer School in...
In 2018, the Bulgarian Euro-Atlantic Youth Club and The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria (ACB), with the...
In the period October 23 – 25, 2020, the Bulgarian Euro-Atlantic Youth Club, with the support of...
If you want to become part of BEAYC’s friends, who contribute to the successful realization of our causes, you have an idea for a project or you want to know more about us, write us at beayc@atlantic-club.org.
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